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Woolly thoughts (blog)

In this blog we publish our thoughts on political and social developments that complement our market analyses with timely assessments and provide background information on behavioral finance and sentiment analysis.

Behavioral Finance: Understanding the Psychology Behind Financial Decision-Making


In the realm of traditional finance, economic theories often assume that investors are rational, utility-maximizing individuals who make decisions based on all available information. However, in reality, human behavior is far more complex and often deviates from these rational models. This realization has given rise to a field known as behavioral finance, which seeks to understand the psychological factors that influence financial decision-making and the subsequent impact on markets and economic outcomes.


Centralized, decentralized - no matter


Is it coming now, the corona app, which allows contacts and infection paths to be traced more quickly in the event of illness with the SARS Cov2 virus? For a long time there was a dispute about the architecture. Where will the data be stored? Centrally at an authority or provider. Or decentralized on the user's end devices, as demanded by data protectionists? As is often the case when there is a bitter dispute about something, there is a danger that the view for the decisive questions is lost. The so-called halo effect of Behavioral Finance sends its regards. Other attributes of the app are in our opinion much more decisive!


Negative oil prices!


We have been experiencing strange things on the oil markets since the onset of the corona crisis. First the Saudis felt the need to increase production and sent oil prices plummeting. But today in the USA the total crash: minus 38 USD for a barrel of oil. The most important raw material in the world costs nothing more, no, you get money if you buy it. This development has completely thrown many a market observer off his game.


Selektive Wahrnehmung und statistische Fehlinterpretationen

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Die Corona-Krise hat tiefgreifende Auswirkungen auch auf das wirtschaftliche Leben. Kein Wunder, dass sich mehr und mehr auch Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Marktanalysten mit den Daten zur Pandemie und Gesundheitsstatistiken beschäftigen.


All gold, no money


"Buy physical gold" is an often-heard recommendation from so-called gold experts to investors who fear a collapse of the financial system. Now we have a major crisis that threatens our very existence. And what is the physical market doing?


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